Configuring Raven Authentication in Wordpress

This page follows on from the first steps page and shows you how to add Raven authentication to Wordpress. We will be making use of the OpenID Connect Generic plugin for Wordpress. If your particular web application has support for OAuth2 or OpenID Connect it should be relatively easy to add Raven authentication to it.


This guide is written assuming you have completed the first steps guide and that you have had some experience with configuring Wordpress through the admin dashboard.

Installing Wordpress

We will be making use of Play with Docker as we did on the first steps page. We've created an docker container with an install of Wordpress and the OpenID Connect Generic plugin already downloaded which can be started straight from Play with Docker. In the terminal enter the following commands:


docker-compose up


You can examine the docker-compose file and download it from the documentation samples project on the University Developers' Hub.

It takes around 30 seconds for Wordpress to download and start. Next to the open port button you will have a link that takes you to your Wordpress site.

You should now be presented with the usual Wordpress install wizard.

  1. Select English (UK) and click Continue.
  2. Specify "Test site" as the Site title, choose a Username for yourself and copy the Password to use later.
  3. Enter your address as Your Email and click Install Wordpress.
  4. Click the Log in button and sign in with the email address and password you used earlier.

Make sure to use your email address

It is important that you use your email address here as we will eventually be making Raven the only way to sign in to the site. If the email address of the admin doesn't match that of your Raven account you will lose access to the site!

Configure the OpenID Connect plugin

The OpenID Connect plugin cannot auto-configure itself from the Raven OAuth2 metadata URL so we shall have to set some options manually.

Make sure you have obtained some OAuth2 client credentials before continuing. Do not specify any redirect URIs or JavaScript origins at this point.

  1. Choose Plugins > Installed Plugins from the dashboard menu.
  2. Click Activate under OpenID Connect Generic.
  3. Choose Settings > OpenID Connect Client from the dashboard menu.

Change the following settings leaving all other settings as their defaults.

Setting Value
Client ID Your OAuth2 client id
Client Secret Key Your OAuth2 client secret
OpenID Scope profile email openid
Login Endpoint URL
Userinfo Endpoint URL
Token Validation Endpoint URL
End Session Endpoint URL Leave blank
Identity Key email
Nickname Key name
Email Formatting {email}
Display Name Formatting {name}
Link Existing Users checked

Scroll to the bottom of the page, make a note of redirect URI at bottom and click Save Changes. Take the redirect URI and add it to the OAuth2 client credentials you created via the credentials page in the Google developer console.

Test sign in

Test that the integration has worked by trying to sign in to your account via Raven:

  1. Sign out by hovering over "Hi, username" at the top-right of the screen and click Log out.
  2. Click Log in with OpenID Connect.
  3. Sign in with Raven.
  4. Add /wp-admin to the URL in the location bar of your browser and make sure you have signed back in as the admin user.

Disable password-based sign in

Disabling password sign in will show the Raven login box immediately rather than requiring users to click Log in with OpenID Connect.

  1. Choose Settings > OpenID Connect Client from the dashboard menu.
  2. Change Login Type to Auto Login - SSO.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save Changes.

Now all users will be prompted to sign in via Raven when they chose Log in from the site's meta menu.


Never assume that successful sign in to your site implies a user is allowed to view pages on the site. If you want to make sure only Raven users can view some pages you must restrict those pages to users whose email address ends in via other Wordpress configuration or plugins.

Raven does not guarantee that only users will be authenticated in the future.

Next steps

This page took you through the process of installing Wordpress, enabling the OpenID Connect Generic plugin and configuring it for use with Raven.

Remember to read the Raven golden rules when configuring your website.

If you want to restrict certain pages of your Wordpress sites to Raven users you should investigate plugins for Wordpress which lets you restrict content so that it can only be viewed by users whose email domain is

Last update: April 29, 2021