OAuth2 ID Token Claims

When authenticating using Raven OAuth2 all registered clients can ask for basic profile information on the signed in user via the openid and profile OAuth2 scopes. The following claims are supported:

Claim Description
aud The OAuth2 client id of your application
exp Expiration time of token as a number of seconds after 1st January 1970
iat Issue time of token as a number of seconds after 1st January 1970
sub Unique identifier for user. Do not attempt to parse this value.
email An email address for the current user. For University members this ends @cam.ac.uk.
hd If present and equal to cam.ac.uk this indicates the user id a member of the University.
name Human-friendly display name for user
picture If present, this is a URL to a profile picture for the user

Further reading

Google documents some additional claims which can appear in the ID token payload.

Last update: January 24, 2020