Your first steps with Raven

This page will take you through deploying your first Raven protected website. This includes describing how to register your website with Raven and demonstrating the sort of information Raven will give you about users signing into your site.


This guide is written assuming you have some familiarity with Linux-like environments. Specifically, we assume a basic familiarity with the Linux command line and an understanding of the concept of "environment variables".

Play with Docker

We won't be installing any software on a server. Instead we'll be making use of Play with Docker to let you launch web servers to experiment with. Play with Docker requires that you have a Docker account. You can register one for free from the sign-in page. After signing in, click the Start button and you should end up with a site that looks like the following:

Play with docker

Click the add new instance button and you'll be presented with a standard Linux command line. We'll only be making use of the one server in this page but Play with Docker has far more features than we'll be covering here.


Play with Docker lets you quickly prototype systems where there are multiple servers on multiple networks without installing any software on your machine. Find out more at

OAuth2 credentials

Raven supports multiple authentication protocols. One of the supported protocols is called OAuth2 and is the one we'll be using on this page. Raven also provides the SAML 2.0 protocol which is another popular protocol.


Raven supports a particular flavour of OAuth2 known as OpenID Connect. Any service which supports using OpenID Connect should be able to be interfaced with Raven.

OAuth2 requires that websites wanting to make use of Raven for authentication must first identify themselves. This is done by registering some credentials called a client id and a client secret with Raven.

Follow the instructions on registering OAuth2 clients. Do not enter any redirect URIs or JavaScript origins just yet. We'll be doing this later. Keep a note of the client id and secret you registered in this step; we will need them soon!

Starting the example web server

In the Play with Docker terminal window, set the CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET environment variables to the OAuth2 credentials you registered earlier:

export CLIENT_ID=replace-with-your-client-id

export CLIENT_SECRET=replace-with-your-client-secret

We have prepared a Docker container with an example Raven-capable web server which can make use of your client id and secret. Run it using the following command:

docker run --rm -it -e CLIENT_ID -e CLIENT_SECRET -p 8000:80 \

This command will download the example web server we have created for you, pass the values of CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET to it as environment variables and connect up TCP port 80, the HTTP port, to port 8000 of the Play with Docker VM instance you have launched.

Play with Docker will notice that a new port has been opened when the web server starts up and will have added a link next to the open port button.

Follow the link and... oops!

It was going so well...

Your OAuth2 credentials need to have each website you are going to authenticate to registered with them. This is an extra guard against someone malicious obtaining your OAuth2 client credentials and attempting to impersonate your site. For each site you want to associate with your credentials, you will need to provide a special redirect URI. Play with Docker uses hostnames which change each time you start an instance so we didn't know what redirect URI to enter when first creating the OAuth2 client credentials.

Fortunately, this error page gives us both the redirect URI we need to use and the address of the client configuration page. Copy and then paste the second URL from the error into your browser's address bar and add the first URL as a redirect URI. Make sure you save the form after adding the redirect URI.


We don't need any JavaScript origins for this example. These are used when you have applications which use JavaScript to talk to Raven directly from within your user's web browser instead of having to go via your web server.

Go back to the Play with Docker page and click on the link next to the open port button again. This time you should get a Raven sign-in page and then a page congratulating you for protecting your first site.

Raven gives you some basic information about the user signing in. This includes their email address, their name and a profile picture if they've configured it in their Google Workspace for Cambridge profile. The example website we've created for you lets you see what information Raven sends.

Next steps

This page has taken you through getting the OAuth2 client credentials you need to identify your website to Raven. Next we'll look at configuring Wordpress to use Raven OAuth2.

Last update: August 23, 2022